5917 results found
Health topics
… that pull moisture away from your skin. The outer layer should keep the wind out (for instance, a windproof or … good tread. Be careful when walking on roads since cars may have difficulty seeing and avoiding you in rain or snow. Do …
Health topics
… small, irritated bumps on the skin. They happen after you shave, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow … not cause razor bumps. But they can irritate the skin and should be used only once or twice a week. Removing hair … not cause razor bumps. But they can irritate the skin and should be used only once or twice a week. Removing hair …
Medical tests
… blood level, they don't control seizures as well as they should. At a high blood level, they may cause problems. Your … blood level, they don't control seizures as well as they should. At a high blood level, they may cause problems. Your …
Health topics
… if you use the diapers for a second child. Cloth diapers have resale value as well They can be used with a flushable … for washing and drying the diapers. Some laundry detergents should not be used with cloth diapers Purchase a small, …
Health topics
… doctor may want to do a follow-up examination. Most babies have mild jaundice. It usually gets better or goes away on … within a week or two without causing problems. But jaundice should be taken seriously. In rare cases, if the bilirubin … within a week or two without causing problems. But jaundice should be taken seriously. In rare cases, if the bilirubin …
HealthLinkBC files
… to his stroke, Nathan has problems learning, and he will have lifelong problems moving his body on the left side. Nathan’s injury could have been prevented if he had received the chickenpox … the vaccine than to get the disease. Here are things you should know: Serious side effects from vaccines are very …
Health topics
… after your flight. And bring extra batteries in case you have travel delays. When possible, plug in your portable … deliver oxygen to the ship before it leaves the dock. You should take enough oxygen to last the entire cruise. If you … deliver oxygen to the ship before it leaves the dock. You should take enough oxygen to last the entire cruise. If you …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Most children who have juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) will have some pain … Managing your child's pain Your child's JIA treatment plan should include regular assessments of pain and what to do to … Managing your child's pain Your child's JIA treatment plan should include regular assessments of pain and what to do to …
Medical tests
… compression fractures . Check on problems of the spine that have been present since birth (congenital). Look at problems … seen during a standard X-ray test. Check how well spinal surgery or therapy is working for a spine problem. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you …
Health topics
… by following these tips. Wear shoes that fit properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes while you … and when you are standing. The inner seams of your shoes should not rub against areas of your feet. Stop an activity … by following these tips. Wear shoes that fit properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes while you …