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6343 results found
Health topics
… of hearing loss include muffled hearing and a feeling that your ear is plugged. You may have trouble understanding what … at a higher volume than in the past. How is it diagnosed? Your health care provider will do a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor also may look in …
Medical tests
… problems. A clinical breast examination may be part of your regular checkup. Talk with your health professional about how often you need a breast … such as mastitis or a fibroadenoma . How To Prepare Tell your health professional if you: Have a new lump or change …
Health topics
… take, how much you take, and how the medicines affect you. Your doctor can tell you what side effects to expect and how … likely to get infections and to bruise or bleed easily. Your doctor can tell you what precautions to take and how … after it falls out. Nerve problems. Chemotherapy can damage your nervous system. You may notice tingling or a lack of …
Health topics
… syndrome (IBS). You meet the Rome III criteria for IBS if your symptoms began at least 6 months ago, you have had … is linked to a change in the appearance or consistency of your stool. Having any of the following symptoms supports … a day or less than 3 times a week) A change in the form of your stool (such as lumpy and hard or watery and loose) A …
Health topics
… physical activity each week. Activities to strengthen your muscles, and improve your flexibility and balance are also recommended. It is important to know that even small increases in your physical activity level can provide health benefits. …
Health topics
… control. They are small metal springs that are placed in your fallopian tubes. This is done without cutting the skin. … It takes about 30 minutes. You may be able to go back to your normal routine the same day. But if you have medicine to help you relax, give yourself a day to rest. What To Expect Most people can …
Health topics
… considering hip surgery for severe osteoarthritis, talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of each type of … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… Overview The kidneys and liver are essential for cleaning your blood, maintaining fluid balance, and breaking down the foods you eat. If you have kidney or liver problems, changing your diet can help protect these organs and improve their …
Health topics
… friend than at home. Here are some tips that may increase your safety. Keep in mind that this information is not … for resources on getting help in your area.Call your provincial health line ( 8-1-1 in most provinces and …
Health topics
… be difficult to pee. You may also find it hard to tell when your bladder's full.   Here's some advice that can help. Try to pee at regular times. This will prevent your bladder from getting too full. If it's hard to start peeing, or if it stings, pour warm water over your perineum or pee in the shower. You may have some …