5309 results found
Health topics
… flow (in this example, 400) by 0.80 (in this example, you get 320). Yellow zone is 200 to 319 litres per second (50% … flow (in this example, 400) by 0.50 (in this example, you get 200). Red zone is less than 200 litres per second (less … flow (in this example, 400) by 0.80 (in this example, you get 320). Yellow zone is 200 to 319 litres per second (50% …
Health topics
… usually describe the pain as a deep aching that gradually gets worse until they rest. Sometimes, the leg may also … because gravity helps blood to reach the foot. As PAD gets worse, the pain may interrupt sleep, cause a lack of … usually describe the pain as a deep aching that gradually gets worse until they rest. Sometimes, the leg may also …
Health topics
… house, or a library. Here are some helpful items to get together when you are planning on leaving an abusive … are taking, as well as a copy of the prescriptions A way to get by Jewellery or small objects you can sell, if you run …
Health topics
… _____I worry about becoming a burden to my family if I get sick due to smoking. Add any other concerns you have … list of reasons to quit smoking is a good first step toward getting yourself motivated to quit smoking. Keep your list … _____I worry about becoming a burden to my family if I get sick due to smoking. Add any other concerns you have …
Health topics
… you may want to stop eating it to see if your symptoms get better. Do not smoke or chew tobacco. If you get dyspepsia at night, raise the head of your bed 15 to 20 … you may want to stop eating it to see if your symptoms get better. Do not smoke or chew tobacco. If you get …
Health topics
… is called continuous use. With this method, you will not get your period as often. Or you may not get it at all. How well do they work? In the first year of … When pills are not taken exactly as directed , such as forgetting to take them sometimes, 9 people out of 100 have an …
Health topics
… heart disease. Or the person does not have symptoms and is getting treatment for prior symptoms of heart failure. D … waiting for a heart transplant. Or the person is at home getting continuous intravenous support for symptom relief or … heart disease. Or the person does not have symptoms and is getting treatment for prior symptoms of heart failure. D …
Health topics
… for your child to be moody or somewhat grouchy as they get older. But if your child is sad or grouchy for a long … like a favourite hobby or a sport? Do you feel like you get upset easily and you don't know why? Do you stay sad or … for your child to be moody or somewhat grouchy as they get older. But if your child is sad or grouchy for a long …
Health topics
… ended. Water purification can greatly reduce your chance of getting sick from bacteria, viruses, and other living … do eliminate some types of organisms. Water filters can get rid of some micro-organisms and improve the taste of … ended. Water purification can greatly reduce your chance of getting sick from bacteria, viruses, and other living …
Health topics
… front to back to prevent germs from her bowel movements getting into the urinary tract Gently clean between the … diapers if you are using disposables and find the rash is getting worse. If you have followed these suggestions and …