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4209 results found
… drowsiness signs of low blood sugar (such as sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, dizziness, or tingling … breast milk. While there have been no reports of harm to healthy infants, this drug may have undesirable effects on …
… severe or doesn't go away stiff/painful neck fast/pounding heartbeat easy bruising/bleeding signs of infection (such as … changes include stress reduction programs and maintaining a healthy diet. A doctor-approved exercise program may also help MS …
… drowsiness signs of low blood sugar (such as sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, dizziness, or tingling … breast milk. While there have been no reports of harm to healthy infants, this drug may have undesirable effects on …
Health topics
… eczema, taking care of your skin can help to keep it as healthy as possible. Health Tools Health Tools help you make … such as a suddenly higher temperature. This may bring on sweating, which can cause itching. Stress. Stress may lead to … about testing for allergies before you make changes in your diet. If a certain allergen is thought to be a trigger for …
Health topics
… you're feeling stressed, it can make it hard to maintain a healthy relationship. Here are some ideas on how to cope. Be … name-calling, pushing, or slapping is not normal or healthy. It's a form of abuse. If any of these things are … you're feeling stressed, it can make it hard to maintain a healthy relationship. Here are some ideas on how to cope. Be …
Health topics
… remove (excise) melanoma removes the cancer and a border of healthy tissue. In the "Area of excision" picture: The inner circle represents the melanoma and healthy tissue that are excised. An eye-shaped incision … remove (excise) melanoma removes the cancer and a border of healthy tissue. In the "Area of excision" picture: The inner …
Health topics
… Taking antiretroviral medicines for HIV can help you stay healthy and live about as long as someone without HIV. Often … stomach. Try not to miss any doses. This will help you stay healthy. It may help to use a pillbox with compartments for … Taking antiretroviral medicines for HIV can help you stay healthy and live about as long as someone without HIV. Often …
Health topics
… screen time for young children supports optimal and healthy development. Parents and caregivers can use the Four … and connection. Develop a family plan for screen time Model healthy screen use by turning off devices during family …
Health topics
… Kids Handle Peer Pressure      Helping Your Child Build a Healthy Body Image Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength … stress in children and teenagers and help them with healthy coping strategies. Learn more: Stress in Children …
Health topics
… screen time for young children supports optimal and healthy development. Parents and caregivers can use the Four … and connection. Develop a family plan for screen time Model healthy screen use by turning off devices during family …