6262 results found
Health topics
… or family tragedy. Are better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able … Moving to a new town. Overcrowded classrooms. Bullying. High crime rate in the neighbourhood. A counsellor or …
Health topics
… and should go away after your baby is born. You have more blood flow to the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums … Your gums may be more swollen and tender than usual. Try using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Your teeth might feel … doesn't foam when you brush. Eat a balanced, nutritious diet and get the right amount of vitamins and minerals. You …
Health topics
… section: Choosing foods during pregnancy Eating a balanced diet ensures that you get important nutrients that you need … eating and pregnancy A well-rounded, plant-based diet can be a good source of nutrition during pregnancy. Pay … fetus’s growth. If you plan to eat a plant-based or vegan diet, consider calling 8-1-1 and speaking with a dietitian. …
Health topics
… having a baby with a genetic condition or birth defect are higher than average. Even though CVS can find certain … do that. CVS has some risks, including a small chance of causing a miscarriage. FAQs What is CVS? CVS (chorionic villus … Your doctor may recommend it if a fetal ultrasound and blood tests suggest that your chances of having a baby with …
Health topics
… away after pregnancy. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. This nerve runs … in your thumb and first three fingers. When there is pressure on this nerve, your grip can be weak and your hand … may include: Changing or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms. Taking frequent breaks from repetitive …
… IV catheters open and flowing freely. Heparin helps to keep blood flowing smoothly and from clotting in the catheter by … when the wrong strength was used. Check that you are using the correct strength and dose before injecting this … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
Health topics
… and penetrated the eyeball. Note: Do not bandage or put any pressure on the eye. If an object has penetrated the … wound is not intact. Pain significantly increases when pressure is applied to the wound. Cuts … and penetrated the eyeball. Note: Do not bandage or put any pressure on the eye. If an object has penetrated the …
… for Use if available from your pharmacist before you start using cyclosporine and each time you get a refill. If you … at the corner of your eye (near the nose). Apply gentle pressure for 1 to 2 minutes before opening your eyes. This … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
… lenses. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using this medication and keep them out of your eyes for at … at the corner of your eye (near the nose) and apply gentle pressure. This will prevent the medication from draining … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
… due to wearing contact lenses. How To Use If you are using the over-the-counter product to self-treat, read and … at the corner of your eye (near the nose). Apply gentle pressure for 1 to 2 minutes before opening your eyes. This … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …