1101 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… relatively new, we don't have a lot of information on their safety. There is not much research on how effective HTPs are … vaping rather than HTPs. There is more information on the safety of vaping than there is for HTPs. What are the risks … Canadian market. There is not a lot of evidence about their safety and potential risks are not yet clear. Nicotine …
HealthLinkBC files
… precautions can help minimize the risk. Follow these safety tips when removing lead-based paint from walls, … most importantly, a U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved respirator for dust, … to reduce the possible intake of lead. Consult your local safety equipment dealer. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in an …
Health topics
… Chinese | Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Baby Safety English | Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | French | Punjabi … and vaccinations. There is also information on child safety and where to find other helpful parenting resources. … healthy eating, health and well-being, parenting and safety for children. Ask your health care provider if a …
Health topics
… These lenses can be prescription or non-prescription. Safety goggles may be worn over regular eyeglasses. Face … These lenses can be prescription or non-prescription. Safety goggles may be worn over regular eyeglasses. Face …
Health topics
… You may sweat a lot when you exercise, when you are too hot, or when you are frightened. It's normal for teenagers … them sweat too much. They may drip sweat even when it's not hot and they're not exercising. Some people carry a towel … for a while each day to let your feet dry out. Limit hot drinks, such as coffee and tea, which can make you sweat …
Health topics
… Active in Cold Weather Quick Tips: Staying Active in Hot Weather Finding what works for you When you have decided … Day Muscle-building exercises, such as scrubbing the bathtub, washing walls, tilling the garden, or pulling weeds. … you can hurt yourself if you don't do it right. Always keep safety in mind. Learn about the risks of any new activity …
Medical tests
… reflux, or VUR. For this test, a thin, flexible plastic tube called a catheter is placed through the urethra into … will be cleaned and covered with towels. A flexible, thin tube will be inserted through your urethra into your bladder. This tube is called a catheter. The doctor will put a liquid into …
Health topics
… If one of your legs is stronger than the other, get into a tub or shower with your weaker leg first. Get out with your … If one of your legs is stronger than the other, get into a tub or shower with your weaker leg first. Get out with your …
Health topics
… and splint any broken bones. Keep the person warm but not hot. Put a blanket under the person, and cover them with a … or blanket, depending on the weather. If the person is in a hot place, try to keep the person cool. Take the person's … and splint any broken bones. Keep the person warm but not hot. Put a blanket under the person, and cover them with a …
Health topics
… During Pregnancy Healthy eating guidelines for food safety during pregnancy Healthy eating guidelines for …