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Health topics
… page: What is an umbilical hernia? An umbilical hernia happens … , fat, or fluid pushes through a weak spot or hole in your baby's stomach muscles. This causes a bulge near or in … and it often closes on its own without treatment. What causes it? The ring of muscle and other tissue that …
Health topics
… page: What is preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM)? … leaks slowly or gushes out. You may hear it called "having your water break." When this happens before contractions … it's called preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM). What are the symptoms? When your water breaks, it often …
Health topics
… Neuritis On this page: What is optic neuritis? Optic neuritis is inflammation of … may have blurred or double vision or even loss of vision. What causes it? Your doctor may not know what caused this problem with your
Health topics
… page: What is calcific tendinitis? Calcific tendinitis (or … occurs in people 30 to 50 years old, especially females. What causes it? Calcific tendinitis starts with calcium … How is it diagnosed? To diagnose calcific tendinitis, your doctor will ask questions about your past health and …
Health topics
… sugar. Mild high blood sugar You may have mild symptoms if your blood sugar levels are consistently higher than your target range. Some people may not notice any symptoms … Steps for Dealing With High Blood Sugar Adaptation Date: 10/2/2023 Adapted By: HealthLink BC Adaptation …
Health topics
… who have PAD . If you have trouble walking because of your symptoms, this type of program may help you walk more easily. footnote 1 Your doctor may recommend a supervised exercise program. … Accessed November 25, 2016. Adaptation Date: 6/13/2023 Adapted By: HealthLink BC Adaptation …
Health topics
… page: What is secondary adrenocortical insufficiency? Secondary … with the adrenal glands and reduced cortisol production. What causes it? Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency may … starts with a medical history and physical examination. If your doctor suspects adrenal insufficiency, the doctor will …
Health topics
… treatments. These programs teach you how to care for your back and how to prevent reinjury. If you have long-term pain, they teach you how to manage your pain—and situations that make your pain worse—on a … Citations Chou R (2010). Low back pain (chronic), search date April 2009. Online version of BMJ Clinical Evidence : …
Health topics
… is a procedure used to remove varicose veins. Your doctor will make several tiny cuts (incisions) in the … Citations Tisi P (2011). Varicose veins, search date January 2010. Online version of BMJ Clinical Evidence : … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Effusion On this page: Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is pleural effusion? A pleural effusion (say "PLER-uhl … fluid. This is called pleural empyema (say "em-py-EE-muh"). What causes it? A pleural effusion has many possible causes. … chest pain, fever, or a cough. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and past …