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5006 results found
Health topics
… tested before lunch and when he or she has symptoms of low blood sugar. Symptoms of low blood sugar. Describe your child's symptoms and how to treat them. Give the staff copies of Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar and Diabetes in Children: Treating Low Blood …
Health topics
… eye (scleritis) may result in dry, gritty-feeling eyes or pain in the eyes. Lungs. Inflammation of the membrane sac … the heart valves ( endocarditis ). Blood and blood vessels. Low levels of white blood cells (leukopenia) and red blood … the heart valves ( endocarditis ). Blood and blood vessels. Low levels of white blood cells (leukopenia) and red blood …
… tissue. This leads to swelling in the joints, which causes pain and makes it harder to move. This medication is also … system. For patients with arthritis, this effect helps to slow down joint damage and reduce joint pain and swelling so that they can move better. …
… clots. This "anti-platelet" effect helps to keep blood flowing smoothly in your body. How To Use Read the Medication … nosebleeds that happen often or don't stop unusual pain/swelling/discomfort unusual bruising prolonged bleeding … since many medications contain pain relievers/fever reducers (aspirin, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen) that …
Health topics
… Symptoms to watch for. Describe your child's symptoms of low or high blood sugar and how to treat them. Who to call. … adjust your child's insulin or snack schedule to prevent a low blood sugar episode. Have your child carry a … of carbohydrate to eat if your child's blood sugar gets too low. These include: Foods that raise blood sugar very fast, …
Health topics
… Redness and breakouts can be treated with: Pills, such as low-dose antibiotics like doxycycline. Skin creams that … you care for yourself? There are some things you can do to reduce symptoms and keep rosacea from getting worse. Get any … the sun, use sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat that covers the back of the neck, and clothing to protect your skin. Use a …
Health topics
… learn to adapt and still enjoy my life" or "This is a setback for me, but I can recover from it if I give myself … you're telling your brain to produce chemicals that can: Lower your blood pressure. Reduce your risk for heart … Help you avoid stomach problems, insomnia, and back pain. Make you feel happier and more optimistic about the …
Health topics
… lifting boxes or chopping wood without getting tired. Reduce the risk of injury. Help you keep a healthy body … feel about yourself. Give you a sense of accomplishment. Allow you to add new and different activities to your exercise … balls or weight machines Resistance tubes or bands during exercises Your own body as a weight, as you would do during …
Healthy eating
… Offer prepackaged products that score as Sell Most at lower prices than those that score as Sell Sometimes . … alternatives readily available for sale to students. Offer lower or non-fat milk (skim, 1% or 2%) as beverages and use … but not peeling thin-skinned fruits and vegetables. Use reduced sodium options when choosing products such as canned …
Health topics
… minor reasons. This can make relationships very difficult. Low self-worth. A frantic fear of being left alone … steps to help control the disorder. Long-term treatment can reduce symptoms and harmful behaviours and help you better … minor reasons. This can make relationships very difficult. Low self-worth. A frantic fear of being left alone …