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2001 results found
Healthy eating
… can happen at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Choose the meal that gives you the most time to talk and connect. If you don’t usually eat together, start by scheduling one meal per week and increase the number as you are able. … to happen when everyone helps. Involve kids of all ages in planning, shopping for and preparing meals. These are …
Health topics
… having them help you to free up your time. Cook quick meals. Many people believe that to eat well, you need a lot … there are many cookbooks on how to prepare quick, healthy meals. "I don't like health foods." Many people use this … can stay within your budget by putting in some extra time planning, shopping, and cooking. And the more time you …
Health topics
… sugar after eating. You should test your blood sugar after meals to see what effect different carbohydrate foods have … can help you count carbohydrate and balance your meals and snacks: Talk with a registered dietitian to help plan the amount of carbohydrate to include in each meal and snack. Get a book that lists the carbohydrate …
Health topics
… fat do not raise blood sugar as much as carbohydrate does. Planning meals and snacks with a good balance of carbohydrate, lean … when you digest carbohydrates and other foods. After a meal, your blood sugar level goes up as carbohydrate is …
Health topics
… have questions or want to know more about diabetes. You are planning to get pregnant in the next year. You don't want to … Avoid smoking. Blood sugar levels are easier to manage when mealtimes, amount of food, and exercise are similar every … doctor. Keep track of any symptoms you have. Follow your meal plan to know how much carbohydrate to eat at each meal
Health topics
… include going to bed late, sleeping late, and eating meals at varying times. These behaviours combined with the … control their weight by going on fad diets, vomiting after meals, or eating very little food. Insulin can cause a … or other diabetes medicine. Eat high-fat, high-calorie meals. Or they may eat whenever and whatever they want, …
Health topics
… can lead to overeating. When you sit down to a scheduled meal, stop and think how hungry you are. If you feel less … healthy choices For your body to be truly satisfied, your meals need to be balanced. This means that each meal should contain: Carbohydrate. You get this from grains, …
Health topics
… Food and your health Overview Tips on eating habits, planning ahead and staying informed to make food choices … your health. Image Plan, shop and prepare Resources for meal planning, food budgeting, local food programs, and financial …
Health topics
… to give you less insulin while you go for a jog. Several meal bolus options. (A bolus is an extra amount of insulin.) … insulin you have used for both your basal rate and your meal boluses. Insulin companies also offer other features. … a bolus without touching the pump? Does the pump include a meal bolus calculator? Are there extra alarms you can set to …
Health topics
… and Older Adults Healthy Eating Basics: Building Healthy Meals Healthy Eating Basics: Cooking Healthy Eating for … a Plan to Cut Back on Alcohol Use Making Your Change Happen Meal Planning Mediterranean Diet Minerals: Their Functions and …