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Health topics
… Information Overview Why is fibre important? Eating a diet high in fibre is thought to help prevent constipation … much fibre you need, talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian. How can you get more fibre? Increase the amount of fibre in your diet slowly so that your stomach can adjust to the change. …
Health topics
… section: Choosing foods during pregnancy Eating a balanced diet ensures that you get important nutrients that you need … eating and pregnancy A well-rounded, plant-based diet can be a good source of nutrition during pregnancy. Pay … fetus’s growth. If you plan to eat a plant-based or vegan diet, consider calling 8-1-1 and speaking with a dietitian. …
Healthy eating
… that lower the uric acid levels in your blood and by diet and lifestyle changes. Gout often occurs with the … (urinary and reproductive) diseases. Talk to a registered dietitian if you need help with your diet for any of these conditions. The focus of this handout …
Health topics
… Making one change at a time. Rather than changing your diet overnight, make your changes one at a time. Some … of fruits and vegetables each day. Adding something to your diet instead of taking something away. Add foods that you … of, like fruits and vegetables. Taking things out of your diet (for example, foods that are high in fat or sugar) may …
Health topics
… some people lose weight. The medicines are used along with diet changes and more physical activity. Without making … diabetes. You have tried for some time to lose weight with diet and physical activity. You don't have untreated … Compare Option 1 Take weight-loss medicines Use only diet and exercise to lose weight Compare Option 2 Take …
Health topics
… food and your weight, body, and shape. Are you always on a diet? Do you get upset or anxious if you miss a workout? … and your child together. Talk with the teen who wants to diet. Find out why the teen thinks he or she should diet, what his or her weight goal is, and how the teen wants …
Health topics
… Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet). It's mostly used to sweeten diet soft drinks. Saccharin (Hermesetas). It's used in many diet foods and drinks. Sucralose (Splenda). It's in many diet foods and drinks. Acesulfame-potassium. It's often …
Health topics
… and inflammation in the small intestine), a gluten-free diet will be recommended. A diagnosis of celiac disease is confirmed if the diet makes symptoms go away and if antibody tests become … all foods that have gluten. This is called a gluten-free diet. Eating even the smallest amount of gluten can cause …
Healthy eating
… need and how to check if you get enough vitamin B12 in your diet. Steps you can take 1. Find out how much vitamin B12 … fortified foods or a supplement. Vegetarians: Vegetarian diets, in particular vegan diets, need to be planned carefully to meet vitamin B12 …
Healthy eating
… eating or are losing weight, speak with a registered dietitian to develop a personalized plan. Steps you can take … another person’s. This is normal as there is not a “cancer diet” or list of foods to eat or avoid because someone has … If you are avoiding many foods or the variety in your diet is limited, speak with a dietitian to develop a plan …