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Health topics
… Overview Wheezing is a whistling noise that occurs when the bronchial tubes , which carry air to the lungs, … tubes become smaller. At first, the person may wheeze when breathing out. As the attack becomes worse, the person may also wheeze when breathing in. During a severe asthma episode, wheezing …
Health topics
… birthday, New Year's Day, or the first day of a holiday. When you are ill or having a troublesome tobacco-related symptom. When a friend or relative is quitting. Harder times to quit may include: High-stress times. Times when you feel low or depressed. After a serious loss or …
Health topics
… Keep your stockings by your bed. Then you can put them on when you first get up. Wear rubber gloves to help you grip … do not use other types of lotions or creams on your legs when you wear the stockings. You may use other lotions or creams when you are not wearing the stockings. Put them on early in …
Health topics
… Information It can be hard to keep track of when and how to take medicines. And the more medicines you … and over-the-counter medicines and natural health products. Take it with you to every doctor visit, and be sure … and over-the-counter medicines and natural health products. Take it with you to every doctor visit, and be sure …
Health topics
… night-lights in hallways and bathrooms. Be extra careful when you work with sharp tools or knives. Be careful with … medicines, antibiotics, and natural health products that you take. Talk to your doctor before you start or stop taking any medicines or natural health products. Don't take aspirin and other pain relievers, such as …
Health topics
… physical activity keeps them active and healthy. It’s easy when you help them find activities that they enjoy - and … and activities will also keep her excited about moving. And when your child tries out different activities, she can pick … doing. Encourage your child to play outside and praise her when she does. Go with your child when he participates in an …
Health topics
… Rupture of the Membranes On this page: Overview Overview When you are pregnant, your membranes may break or rupture. … that surrounds and protects your baby. It usually happens when you are in labour or close to labour. When it happens, women often say their "water broke." The …
Health topics
… it is to keep them and stay as healthy as possible. And when good habits are in place, it's easier to resist bad … Eating Habits Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Shop Quick Tips: Making Fast, Healthy Meals Quick … Fats From Your Diet Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Eat Out Healthy Eating in Children: Things That …
Health topics
… to make . Keep in mind that you as an individual choose when, how much, or if at all, to include physical activity … your physical activity. Remember to be honest with yourself when answering the questions in the resources below – your … consider your life situation is likely to fail. Instead, when getting started, think first about what physical …
Health topics
… A is a virus that can infect the liver. Hepatitis A spreads when people eat food or drink water that is contaminated by … is found in the stool of an infected person. It is spread when a person eats food or drinks water that has come in contact with infected stool. It also can be spread when someone touches items that have infected stool on them …