5666 results found
Health topics
… the use of any medicine to start a VBAC trial of labour. Other doctors are comfortable with the careful use of … a uterine scar ruptures, it can be dangerous to both the mother and her infant. Depending on severity, a rupture can: … the use of any medicine to start a VBAC trial of labour. Other doctors are comfortable with the careful use of …
Health topics
… your second trimester, you'll have more than these tests. Other tests you may have include tests for blood type, … your second trimester, you'll have more than these tests. Other tests you may have include tests for blood type, …
Health topics
… causes. So your doctor may order lab tests to rule out any other medical problem. How is premature ejaculation treated? … causes. So your doctor may order lab tests to rule out any other medical problem. How is premature ejaculation treated? …
Health topics
… replacement. Water exercise is often done as part of a physiotherapy program. Or you may find a program in a gym or … it's not a weight-bearing exercise. So you will need to add other types of exercise to help make your bones stronger. … for your health condition. Consider working with a physiotherapist or water aerobics instructor if you've never done …
Health topics
… best ways I've handled triggers and cravings so far? What other ways can I try? Stay calm, learn, and move on if you … best ways I've handled triggers and cravings so far? What other ways can I try? Stay calm, learn, and move on if you …
Medical tests
… also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors to help decide whether you are taking the … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors to help decide whether you are taking the …
Health topics
… dropped off at the home and soiled diapers are picked up. Other parents choose to purchase and wash their own cloth …
Medical tests
… the test. Follow your doctor's instructions for using other medicines before the test. Do not drink alcohol or … acid to your stomach, you may have heartburn pain and other symptoms of acid reflux. If you have the wireless pH … the test. Follow your doctor's instructions for using other medicines before the test. Do not drink alcohol or …
Medical tests
… holds the sensor that records your baby's heart rate. The other sensor measures your contractions. Gel may be used on … are recorded for 10 minutes. Your blood pressure and other vital signs are also recorded. You will be given the … labour contractions. The belts holding the sensors may bother you. Most women say this test is uncomfortable but not …
Medical tests
… is very powerful. It may affect any metal implants or other medical devices you have. An MRI may be more likely than other tests to report a problem in the breast when a problem … is very powerful. It may affect any metal implants or other medical devices you have. An MRI may be more likely …