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6348 results found
Health topics
… a brace that looks like a fingerless glove. It stabilizes your wrist in a straight and sometimes slightly bent-back … carpal tunnel syndrome worse. Think about these guidelines when you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist …
Health topics
… Storing and using breastmilk Last updated August 2, 2013 If you have to be away from your baby for more than a few … baby food, it's important to follow proper safety practices when using breast milk. Always use the oldest milk first - … your baby - the creamy part of the milk tends to separate when it is frozen. Warm breast milk by running the container …
Health topics
… also start to see connections between events. For example, when they open a music box, they know they will hear a song. Or when they throw a ball, they know it will bounce. They'll … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… a program of directed thoughts and suggestions that guide your imagination toward a relaxed, focused state. You can … the juice squirting into your mouth. Many people salivate when they do this. This exercise demonstrates how your body … to what you are imagining. You can achieve a relaxed state when you imagine all the details of a safe, comfortable …
Health topics
… that is invading or interfering with normal tissue, such as when a tumour presses on bones, nerves, or other organs. … or, in rare cases, with radiation to the whole body. Or you may be given a shot with a radioactive medicine. Radiation therapy is the use of X-rays to …
Health topics
… is the attempt to start producing breast milk at a time when your body normally would not. A woman may try relactation when she: Adopts a baby and has breastfed before. Stopped …
Health topics
… that are extremely hard to treat. Often the first place you have a problem is your feet. When you lose the ability to feel your toes and feet, you … part of the leg must be amputated. Amputations are done when efforts to save the foot or leg are unsuccessful or the …
Health topics
… a journey with a destination," Morris says. Read labels so you can see how much sugar, fat, protein, and fibre are in … sugar—and that only on rare occasions." Eat whole fruit when you crave something sweet. Eat six times a day. She … Maggie also advises that you exercise a little more on days when you know that you are going out to eat or plan to have …
Health topics
… control pads are made to absorb fluid faster, so they keep you dry and comfortable. And they are designed to reduce the … medicines or surgery. Absorbent products also may be used: When you first begin exercises or behavioural treatment … the embarrassment and discomfort of urine leakage. Risks When using absorbent products: The area around the groin may …
Medical tests
… Doctors use the KOH preparation test to find out if you have a fungal infection. This kind of infection can … to see. How It Feels You may feel a scraping sensation when the doctor or nurse takes the sample. The scraping … a fingernail or toenail, or if the area is sore, such as when you have thrush. Risks There are no known risks from …