1565 results found
Medical tests
… that check for inflammation of the liver (liver enzyme studies) Your liver may be damaged if you have increased … that check for inflammation of the liver (liver enzyme studies) Your liver may be damaged if you have increased …
Health topics
… Hypoxis rooperi , the South African star grass. A review of studies done on beta-sitosterol showed that men who took it … made from Secale cereale , or rye grass pollen. In two studies, more men who took rye grass pollen said they had … compared to men who took a placebo. footnote 2 But both studies were small and had no long-term follow-up. Also, it …
Health topics
… strain the neck, such as slouching, painting a ceiling, or sleeping with your neck twisted. It can also be caused by an … few hours. Avoid more injury by changing how you sit or sleep. Try physiotherapy. Your doctor may suggest … canal and nerve roots. Electromyogram and nerve conduction studies or nerve blocks. These tests can help find a nerve …
Medical tests
… Find out if a person who is in a coma is brain-dead. Study sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy . Watch brain activity … on after you wash your hair. Your doctor may ask you not to sleep the night before the test or to sleep for only about 4 or 5 hours. This is because some …
HealthLinkBC files
… Stop and wake your baby for feeds if they become sleepy while travelling in the hot weather Keeping cool during sleep Have infants and young children sleep in the coolest room in the house, even if this is not …
Health topics
… or in some cases depression. Hormonal changes, lack of sleep, and physical recovery from labour all impact your … mental wellness is affected by many factors including mood, sleep habits, coping skills and relationships with family, … negative thoughts Helping someone during a panic attack Sleep Sleep is important for your physical and emotional …
Health topics
… doctor about any fussiness, rash, changes in feeding or sleeping patterns, or other concerns. If you must take a … doctor about any fussiness, rash, changes in feeding or sleeping patterns, or other concerns. If you must take a …
Health topics
… include: Nausea. Loss of appetite. Diarrhea. Headaches. Sleep problems or drowsiness. Feeling anxious or grouchy. … at the beginning of treatment or when doses are changed. Studies by the FDA have found that: About 4 out of 100 … your child to exercise, eat healthy foods, and get enough sleep. Encourage your child to socialize with supportive …
Health topics
Health features
… eating, keeping physically active and getting enough sleep. Keep up regular visits to their health care providers … or Email Physical Activity Services . Getting enough sleep Getting enough sleep is important for children of all ages. Learn about why …