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5298 results found
Health topics
… breakdown. You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate … your legs during sleep. While you are sleeping, you can help your blood circulate back to your heart by elevating … Exercise. Doing regular foot and ankle exercises can help strengthen your leg muscles and improve blood flow in …
Health topics
… varied experiences and opportunities. Then they can help their children by working with them at home. Here are … together. Pay attention to what your children like to do. Help them develop those skills or find out where they can … responsibility and commitments. Enlist a mentor. Welcome help from someone in your family or community who can help
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Eating well and being active can help you stay healthy and strong as you age. Eating a variety of nutritious foods and beverages each day helps to: Keep your bones and muscles strong Build a healthy … aware of when you are hungry and full. Being mindful can help you make healthier choices more often. What foods …
Health topics
… you can use heat and cold therapy or take pain medicines to help relieve pain and make it easier for you to exercise and … There are several types of exercises that you can do to help keep your muscles strong and reduce joint pain and … outdoors or indoors isn't comfortable for you). The water helps take the weight off painful joints. And it provides …
Health topics
… Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a program that helps you learn to calm your mind and body to help you cope with illness, pain, and stress. MBSR teaches … feelings, or thoughts. And dwelling on the past does not help you accept or solve problems. It just brings you down. …
Health topics
… safely after a fall. Learning how to get up correctly can help you avoid making an injury worse. Also, knowing what to do if you cannot get up can help you stay safe until help arrives. How can you care for yourself after a fall? If …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Physiotherapy may help you when back pain makes it hard to move around and do everyday tasks. This treatment helps you move better and may relieve pain. It also helps improve or restore your fitness level and how well you …
Health topics
… at home. Some people decide to take medicine for a while to help with sleep. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to … Should I Take Sleeping Pills? Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health …
Health topics
… main treatment for SAD. Medicines and counselling may also help. Light therapy. Light therapy is exposure to light that … brighter. Antidepressants. Antidepressant medicines may help people who have SAD. They may be used alone. Or they … light therapy. Counselling. Some types of counselling can help you manage your symptoms. They can also help prevent …
Health topics
… be mild or severe. Over-the-counter allergy medicine may help with some symptoms. Read and follow all instructions on … healthy. Your doctor may suggest that you have tests to help find the cause of your allergies. When you know what … other health problems. In some cases, immunotherapy might help. For this treatment, you get shots or use pills that …