5302 results found
Health topics
… Learning Centre is a great place to start. Teens can get help with decisions or find how-to tips in topics such as: … in Children and Teenagers Suicidal Thoughts or Threats Supporting Someone Who Has an Eating Disorder Symptoms of … Teens: Helping a Friend Who's Talking About Suicide Teens: Supporting a Friend Who Is Struggling Emotionally Teens: …
Health topics
… forward. There are no magic formulas, but these tips can help. Conflicts can happen between parents and children, … and expected. Resorting the relationship after a conflict helps build a stronger relationship going forward. 1. Model … issues and find solutions on their own. Children need support as they struggle with issues such as alcohol and …
Health topics
… to surgery. He or she can refuse to have you placed on life-support machines. Your substitute decision-maker also can ask that you be taken off life support. How do you choose a substitute decision-maker? … you or agrees to travel to you if needed. Your family may help you make medical decisions while you can still be part …
Health topics
… to a stronger heart and better health. Cardiac rehab can help you feel better and reduce your risk of future heart … The program includes exercise, education, and emotional support. You work with a team of health professionals. The … for you, based on your health and goals. Then they give you support to help you succeed. You will learn how to reduce …
Health topics
… any activity that uses your body’s large muscle groups and helps you have a stronger heart and lungs. Here are some … breathe hard, take a day off after each exercise day. This helps you avoid injury and gives your body time to recover, … activities with a friend or in a group can provide social support for staying active. You’re more likely to keep doing …
Health topics
… or therapist. Be clear about the reason why you are seeking help. Ask the therapist or counsellor about their experience … methods they use. Do they use treatment methods that are supported by science such as cognitive or behavioural … methods they use. Do they use treatment methods that are supported by science such as cognitive or behavioural …
Health topics
… can: Build muscle strength and endurance. This will help you be more active—you will be able to do more … strength in arm and shoulder muscles, which provide support to the rib cage. They help in daily tasks such as … the exercises, rest in a position where your shoulders are supported, such as in a chair, and wait until you can …
Health topics
… teddy with Kim was very kind." Here are some more tips for supporting your child's social and emotional development: … Join in with questions: "Is the tea ready?" Stay nearby to help your toddler solve problems while playing with other … toddler's new skills and when she does something without help Accept your toddler's feelings and talk about them Give …
Health topics
… be learning how to set limits. Toddlers need playful, supportive opportunities to learn about the world and how to … limits and positive discipline. Find more advice to help keep parenting positive. On this page: Provide comfort … be learning how to set limits. Toddlers need playful, supportive opportunities to learn about the world and how to …
Health topics
… Let your partner know if you're scared, sad, or frustrated. Help them understand what you need. Maybe it's a hug or help … or a counsellor. Or contact a local advocacy group for support, information, and advice on how to stay safe. Check … or a counsellor. Or contact a local advocacy group for support, information, and advice on how to stay safe. Check …