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5301 results found
Medical tests
… Prepare Procedures can be stressful. This information will help you understand what you can expect. And it will help … lie on your back on a table with your shoulders and neck supported by a pillow. Or you might recline in a chair … lie on your back on a table with your shoulders and neck supported by a pillow. You will be given a sedative to help
Health topics
… to give accurate readings. Talk to your doctor if you want help choosing one. Why is it used? Usually, low blood oxygen … suggest checking your oxygen at different times. This can help you know when you need medical attention even if you … level (SpO2) and your pulse rate (PR). Your doctor can help you know what numbers are normal for you. The device …
Health topics
… also be other reasons for these behaviours. Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If your child talks about … use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. Call Talk Suicide Canada: 1-833-456-4566 or … 45645 (4 p.m. to midnight ET). Kids or teens can call Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868 . Go to …
Health topics
… is to prevent other problems related to your SCI. And it helps you relearn how to do daily tasks, sometimes by using … plans and other financial issues and can help arrange for support services. Social workers also provide or arrange for … plans and other financial issues and can help arrange for support services. Social workers also provide or arrange for …
Health topics
… system—is part of your overall health. Belief systems can help us face fears and let go of the past and have courage. … or activities that help calm your mind and soothe you. Get support from those you trust and love. If you're having … or activities that help calm your mind and soothe you. Get support from those you trust and love. If you're having …
Health topics
… A slow or weak pulse. An overdose is an emergency. Call for help right away. What can you do if someone has overdosed? … emergency services right away. Stay with the person until help arrives. Try to keep the person awake and breathing. … if needed. Place the person on their side. This can help prevent choking and help them breathe. How can you help
Health topics
… drop dead right on the stairs. I knew I had to get some help. I couldn't keep being sad and afraid all the time." Getting help Joan talked to her partner and some of her close … person they always loved. But Joan felt she needed more help. Her doctor recommended a counsellor. The counsellor …
Health topics
… food budgeting, local food programs, and financial supports. Image Food labels Learn how to use food labels to …
Health topics
… doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can … child's behaviour problems. Behaviour therapies and extra support at home and in school can help your child succeed … improve his or her behaviour. Behaviour therapies and extra support at home and in school can help your child succeed …
Health topics
… may diagnose amblyopia after ruling out other causes. To help make the diagnosis, the doctor will ask about symptoms, … can return even after successful treatment. How can you help your child? Treatment sounds simple, but using an eye patch or glasses may bother your child. To help your child: Explain that the glasses or patch will help