4761 results found
… slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. How To Use Take this medication by mouth as directed by your doctor, … for taking this medication. Do not increase your dose or take this medication more often than prescribed. Your … and your risk of serious side effects will increase. It may take several months before you see a benefit from this drug. …
… age, if someone in your family has osteoporosis, or if you take certain medications (such as prednisone) for long … abdomen as directed by your doctor, usually every 6 months. Take calcium and vitamin D as directed by your doctor, … may help to mark your calendar with a reminder. Continue to take other medications for your condition as directed by …
Medical tests
… such as the chest, belly, pelvis, or an arm or leg. It can take pictures of body organs, such as the liver, pancreas , … think you'll get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. If you have a CT scan of your belly, you may … or an enema before the test. How It Is Done You may need to take off any jewellery. You will need to take off all or …
Health topics
… Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. … your symptoms aren't caused by something else. So it may take more than one visit to diagnose your symptoms. Your …
Health topics
… trouble using inhalers properly. Don't always remember to take your medicines. Asthma in Teenagers … trouble using inhalers properly. Don't always remember to take your medicines. Asthma in Teenagers …
Health topics
… Mild to moderate rash If you get a mild rash, you can take care of it at home. Here are some tips to help with … a cool, wet cloth for 15 to 30 minutes several times a day. Take short, cool baths with or without an oatmeal additive … Mild to moderate rash If you get a mild rash, you can take care of it at home. Here are some tips to help with …
Health topics
… is likely to raise his or her anxiety level. Let your child take the initiative in approaching others. Eventually, most … and become comfortable in the group. But realize it may take longer for some children. And don't consider it a … is likely to raise his or her anxiety level. Let your child take the initiative in approaching others. Eventually, most …
Medical tests
… cell damage. LDH levels are measured from a sample of blood taken from a vein. Why It Is Done LDH levels help find the … to. How It Is done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How long the test takes The test will take a few minutes. Results Each lab has …
Health topics
… an important part of caring for yourself when you have HIV. Take your HIV medicines as directed. This helps your immune … prescribed medicines to prevent opportunistic infections, take them as directed. Talk to your doctor if you have problems such as missing doses or having side effects. Take steps to avoid foodborne illness. Having HIV puts you …
Health topics
… several blocks away or get off the bus a few stops earlier. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, at least for a few … distance when possible. Get your coffee on another floor (take the stairs), or use the washroom that's the longest … phone. Use your lunch hour for a workout: Go to the gym or take a brisk walk, jog, or bike ride. Don't skip lunch. Eat …