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6320 results found
Health features
… age who have not been immunized. Pertussis spreads easily when an infected person coughs, sneezes or has close contact … The infection can spread to others during the early stages when symptoms are not severe, and if left untreated, can … way to protect you and your family from serious and sometimes deadly diseases. When you get immunized, you help …
Health topics
… Squamous cell skin cancer . This type is less common. Sometimes it develops from a small rough spot that grows in … problems. It sometimes spreads to other parts of the body. When found and treated early, most of these skin cancers can … midday hours or seek shade. Wear sun-protective clothes when you're outdoors. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least …
Health topics
… Most pleural effusions don't become infected. But sometimes an infection causes pus to form in the pleural fluid. … A minor pleural effusion may not cause any symptoms. When symptoms occur, they may include trouble breathing, … You may also have other tests to find out what's causing the fluid buildup. How is pleural effusion treated? A …
Health topics
… eye. In some cases, a virus infects the optic nerve . Sometimes the body's defences (immune system) mistakenly attack … total loss of vision, usually in one eye. You may have pain when you move your eye. When vision loss is partial, you may have: Loss of vision in …
Health topics
… may also damage the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lung. When these air sacs break down, larger airspaces known as bullae are formed. Bullae sometimes can become so large that they interfere with breathing … and the person's overall condition. Bullae can be removed using a laser . But this method has not been found to have …
Health topics
… your energy returns. As you start to feel better, take your time in getting back to your regular routine. If you try to … haven't peeled or prepared yourself. Wash your hands after using the toilet, changing a diaper, or preparing or eating … haven't peeled or prepared yourself. Wash your hands after using the toilet, changing a diaper, or preparing or eating …
Health topics
… of the eye. In LASIK, a thin flap is made on the cornea using a blade or laser. The flap is lifted, and a laser is … two afterward. LASIK usually requires very little recovery time. Most people who have the surgery see quite well the … vision. (This is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses.) Overcorrection or …
Health topics
… stockings or sleeves can help reduce swelling. And using sunscreen can help protect your skin. How can you care … or keep it under control. Prop up the affected limb. Whenever you can, rest a swollen arm or leg on a comfortable … or knee-high or thigh-high stockings. Do gentle exercise. Using muscles during exercise naturally helps lymph fluid to …
Healthy eating
… Sell Most at lower prices than those that score as Sell Sometimes . Replace white flour with whole grain flour in … as beverages and use lower-fat milk products as ingredients when preparing food. Meat and Alternatives: Use lean whole … Act to support healthy eating Score freshly made food using the Checklist . Adapt favorite recipes to make food …
Health topics
… unattended, even for a moment. Many poisonings occur when an adult becomes distracted by the doorbell, a … your home was built before 1976. Don't forget your garage when poison-proofing your home. Keep poisons and flammables … lamp oil, gasoline, and fertilizers are all poisonous when ingested. Many products kept in garages also are fire …