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6322 results found
Health topics
… the cost of treatment. Or you may worry that if you take time for treatment, you will not be able to get your job … "I can't get there." Look at your schedule and find when it would be easiest for you to see a doctor or counsellor. Request this time when you call. You may have to wait, but if that's the only …
Health topics
… or having ones that are more watery and loose than normal. When the intestines push stools through the bowel before the … caused by the bacteria Clostridioides difficile (sometimes called C. diff) may occur while you take an antibiotic … as Becolax, Dulcolax, or bisacodyl, may cause diarrhea. Using too much of products that contain sorbitol (such as …
Health topics
… Activities That Are Right for You Actionset Overview When you're active, life can be better. Being active helps … exercise if they do it alone. Do you enjoy being outdoors when possible, or do you feel safer and more confident in an … day. And our schedules often determine when we can take the time to exercise and when we can't. Which part of the day is …
HealthLinkBC files
… pollution can get trapped in mountain valleys, especially when temperatures are cooler The amount of common air … gas. It has an odour like the smell of a struck match. When released into outdoor air, sulphur dioxide can react … levels of sulphur dioxide. What are the health concerns when sulphur dioxide levels are high outside? Short-term …
Health topics
… bruising ( contusion) . Treatment may include first aid and using a brace, cast, harness, or traction. It may also … can also mean pain that comes and goes even if it's severe when it's there. Mild pain (1 to 4) : You notice the pain, … care. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services now. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that …
Health topics
… test? Follow-up What signs and symptoms should I watch for? When should I call to report signs and symptoms? When should I contact my health professional? Fill in the appropriate box below with the date and time, if needed. Check here if no contact is needed. ____ …
Health topics
… Your child’s feelings (HealthLinkBC File #92c) Screen time The Canadian Pediatric Society provides advice on … loved ones Mitigate the risks by being present and engaged when screens are used, whenever possible, and curating the types of media children …
Health topics
… this problem if you have trouble staying awake or alert when you are supposed to work your shift. You may not be … clock needs to reset to let you sleep during the day. Sometimes that's hard to do. This sleep disorder usually is a … such as a clock. Wear earplugs to block sounds. Try using a fan or "white noise" machine. This may be useful if …
Health topics
… a doctor several months before you leave so you will have time for vaccines (immunizations) that you may need to get … problems: Developing countries may not have safe tap water. When visiting these places, drink only beverages made with … and other skin damage. Protect yourself from the sun by using sunscreen and wearing a hat and sunglasses. Take steps …
Health topics
… language development is likely to progress faster when they are often given the chance to interact with both … feelings and thoughts as language skills increase. Sometimes conversations with young children turn up important … disturbing. Children don't always express themselves using the same language as adults. For example, a child may …