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Health topics
… A family history of myoclonic seizures is present in about half of the people with the disorder. But the exact … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … A family history of myoclonic seizures is present in about half of the people with the disorder. But the exact …
Medical tests
… has repeated sinus infections. More accurate information about which organism is causing the infection may help the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … has repeated sinus infections. More accurate information about which organism is causing the infection may help the …
Health topics
… That's because muscle development and coordination occur at about the same times for both sexes. Team sports are a good … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … That's because muscle development and coordination occur at about the same times for both sexes. Team sports are a good …
Medical tests
… fainted or who often feel light-headed. The results help your doctor know the cause of your fainting or feeling … you go home. How long the test takes The test will take about an hour. It may take longer if you get medicine to … you go home. How long the test takes The test will take about an hour. It may take longer if you get medicine to …
Health topics
… of asthma can vary, and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you are getting … have been doing since your last visit. Your doctor will ask about daytime asthma symptoms, nighttime awakenings, and … have been doing since your last visit. Your doctor will ask about daytime asthma symptoms, nighttime awakenings, and …
Health topics
… apnea: How loud and how often you snore changes often. Your snoring disturbs your sleep, such as pauses in breathing or gasping while … sleeping. You stop breathing at times, and oxygen levels in your blood go down. If you snore but don't have sleep apnea: …
Medical tests
… and saved. A full-mouth series of periapical X-rays (about 14 to 21 X-ray films) is most often done during a … Dental X-rays are scheduled when you need them based on your age, risk for disease, and signs of disease. Why It Is … X-rays. How long the test takes The X-ray usually takes about a minute per image. You may get more than one image …
Health topics
… growth and development Most children by age 9: Grow about 6 cm (2.5 in.) and gain about 3 kg (7 lb) in a year. Start to show a growth pattern … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Medical tests
… if the tracer is evenly spread in the gland. This helps your doctor know if the thyroid gland is working properly. … and T4) in your blood. Follow your doctor's instructions about not eating before the test. Your doctor may ask you to … the radiation given off by the tracer. This test takes about 10 minutes. It's done 3 to 6 hours after you are given …
Health topics
… Overview Babies usually cry for a reason. For example, your baby may be letting you know they're hungry, tired, too … a diaper change. Over time, you'll learn the difference in your baby's cries. Then you can take care of your baby's needs, and the crying will usually stop. Some …