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4542 results found
Health topics
… inflammation , and even stress fracture of a bone. After an overuse injury has started, it can take weeks to … "slow down, recover, and heal." Sore muscles are common after a new activity. But pain can be a sign of injury. Make … inflammation , and even stress fracture of a bone. After an overuse injury has started, it can take weeks to …
Health topics
… diabetes. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin or to have a snack in class, a care … Make sure school staff know to never leave your child alone after treatment for low blood sugar. Symptoms of high blood … diabetes. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin or to have a snack in class, a care …
Health topics
… USA) How do I stay physically active or restart activity after a break? Vacations, injuries, illnesses, poor weather, … from scratch! The key to restarting physical activity after a break, is to do so without guilt. Be proud that you …
… few weeks, and then once a day either 5 or 7 times a week after that, or as directed by your doctor. Drink plenty of … sexual activity during treatment and for at least 90 days after stopping the medication. Women of childbearing age who … and condoms) during treatment and for at least 30 days after stopping the medication. Consult your doctor for more …
… Take this medication by mouth 1 hour before or 1 hour after a meal, usually once daily or as directed by your … forms of birth control during treatment and for 1 week after stopping treatment. If you or your partner become … not recommended while using this medication and for 1 week after stopping this medication. Consult your doctor before …
Health topics
… This means about 6 or more contractions in 1 hour, even after you've had a glass of water and are resting. How is it … contractions. This means about 6 or more in 1 hour, even after you've had a glass of water and are resting. Leaking … for an hour. This means about 6 or more in 1 hour, even after you have had a glass of water and are resting. You …
Health topics
… the symptoms? Allergy symptoms may start minutes or hours after you breathe in an allergen. Your symptoms can last for … Symptoms Allergy symptoms may start within minutes or hours after you breathe in an allergen. And the symptoms can last … you may sneeze over and over again. This often happens after you wake up in the morning. You may have a tickle in …
Health topics
… may quickly develop between ages 6 months and 5 years, after levels of fetal hemoglobin decrease. Older children … and sickle cell disease. The disease can be diagnosed soon after birth. A sample of blood is taken from the infant's … prevent dehydration. Drink extra fluids before, during, and after exertion and when you're in the heat. Drink plenty of …
Health topics
… for a while when first diagnosed or during illness or surgery. In time, a child may need daily insulin. Help your … it for a while when first diagnosed or during illness or surgery. Insulin may be given as a single nighttime dose, as … for a while when first diagnosed or during illness or surgery. In time, a child may need daily insulin. Help your …
Health topics
… tolerance test (OGTT) are 7.8 to 11.0 mmol/L (2 hours after the beginning of the test). The results of your … Fasting blood glucose test . This test is usually done after you fast overnight for 8 hours. Hemoglobin A1c . This … test (OGTT) . For an OGTT, your blood sugar is measured after fasting and then again 2 hours after you drink a …