6336 results found
Health topics
… If you are wearing contacts, remove them before you flush your eye. If you can't remove a contact, flush your eye with the contact in place. Flush the eye from the … may help relieve mild eye symptoms. It's the most important first aid measure for a chemical substance in the eye. The …
Health topics
… lotion to help relieve itching. Use it for just the first week or so since longer use can dry your skin and make the rash worse. Try not to scratch … and topical anesthetics like Lanacane. Severe rash See your doctor if: The rash covers a large area of your body. …
Health topics
… Last updated August 2, 2013 If you have to be away from your baby for more than a few hours, you can express your breast milk and store it for later. Here's some … when using breast milk. Always use the oldest milk first - label all milk containers with the date. Watch a …
Health topics
… positive ways to cope doesn't have to be a challenge. Let your senses do the work. Take a look at the ideas below. How … for beauty in what's around you. Step outside. Focus on the first tree, plant, or shrub you see. Visit a market, and … look at the plants or flowers on display. Create a space in your home that gives you joy. Light a candle, and …
Health topics
… What is menopause? Menopause is the point in your life when you permanently stop having menstrual periods … body has its own time line. You may stop having periods in your mid-40s. Or you might have them well into your 50s. … might have severe symptoms. Symptoms tend to get worse the first year after menopause. But then many of them improve or …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Smoking harms your lungs in many ways. Quitting smoking is the most … thing you can do to slow down the disease and improve your quality of life. Smoking is linked to: Lung cancer. … smoking, the damage to the lung tissue slows down. In the first days after quitting, you may notice that you cough up …
Health topics
… gland , a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are … in low doses for short-term use. But be sure to talk with your doctor about taking them. Children and pregnant or … women should not take melatonin without talking to a doctor first. Because melatonin makes you feel drowsy, do not drive …
Health topics
… this App to help you access health service information from your mobile device. All the information in the App is also … Find health services, view the latest health alerts in your area, call 8-1-1 and find quick links to emergency … health services to the citizens of British Columbia. Since first releasing the BC Health Service Locator App, …
Health topics
… complications are rare. And they usually occur with the first-time (primary) genital herpes outbreak. Some of these … This can cause blindness if it is not treated early. If your eye is very irritated or if you feel pain in your eye, see your doctor as soon as possible. The liver, …
Health topics
… right now? The cravings for nicotine can be intense for the first few days when you stop smoking, but they will get … cope: Use nicotine gum, lozenges, or an inhaler. Distract yourself. Stop what you are doing, and do something else. … stay away from other smokers, at least in the beginning of your quit. Seeing others smoke often makes cravings worse or …