Health Features

Health Features

Health Features highlight common health concerns that affect British Columbians. They provide an overview of the topic and direct you to related resources and services.

Topics include seasonal information, disease outbreaks and health programs. You will also find topics that address mental health or substance use information.

Some health features are also available in Chinese, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese.

No CPR form
The No CPR Form provides you with a legal option that no CPR be provided by a health care provider or first responder.
Advance care planning
Advance care planning is the process of thinking about and writing down your wishes or instructions about future health care treatment.
Be drug smart
Drug-related overdoses and deaths are a serious concern. Be drug smart if you are taking or planning on taking drugs, or know someone who takes drugs.
Whooping cough
Whooping cough is a serious infection of the airways. It spreads easily when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or is in close contact with others.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
BC's provincial health officer has declared COVID-19 a public health emergency. Find information about COVID-19, how to protect yourself, your family and your community.