23 results found
Health features
… chimaera is one of a group of common bacteria that sometimes cause lung infections or severe illness in people with …
Health features
Health features
… drug overdose happens when you take more opioids than your body can handle. You will lose control over your breathing, … of accidental overdose much higher. It is roughly 50 to 100 times more toxic than morphine. In recent years there have … laboratories is being sold on the streets. It is sometimes sold as Oxycontin®, heroin, or other substances. …
Health features
… Temperatures during the summer in British Columbia can sometimes exceed 30°C. We all want to make the most of the … are small bugs that can bite people and pets and can sometimes spread diseases . A few are known to carry a bacterium …
Health features
Health features
Health features
Health features
… the Zika virus: Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times. You should take precautions throughout the day and …
Health features
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