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3149 results found
Health topics
… Don't put your head under the water or let the water get into your eyes. Current as of: March 22, 2023 … Don't put your head under the water or let the water get into your eyes. Current as of: March 22, 2023 …
Health topics
… and chest-high. This is a comfortable place to start. You get resistance but also have support and balance. The higher … and chest-high. This is a comfortable place to start. You get resistance but also have support and balance. The higher …
Health topics
… move on if you slip up. If you do slip or relapse, don't get mad at yourself. You can bounce back. Nearly everyone … move on if you slip up. If you do slip or relapse, don't get mad at yourself. You can bounce back. Nearly everyone …
Health topics
… be a confusing time for both kids and parents. Both must get used to the new person the child is becoming. Physical … be a confusing time for both kids and parents. Both must get used to the new person the child is becoming. Physical …
Health topics
… colitis need attention to their diet to ensure that they get enough nutrients. Ulcerative Colitis … colitis need attention to their diet to ensure that they get enough nutrients. Ulcerative Colitis …
Health topics
… jealousy when attention is given to other family members Get frustrated easily Display a sense of owning toys and …
Health topics
… Focus on cooperation, not control Talk with your toddler Get your toddler’s attention and make eye contact before you … limits - he has a short attention span and can quickly forget what you’ve said Avoid reacting in angry or defensive …
Health topics
… your toddler. Read stories, go for walks and play games together. Show interest in your toddler's activities and spend lots of one on one time together. Your toddler loves spending time with you. Provide a … toddler about things that have happened in her life. As she gets older, tell your toddler stories about when she was …
Health topics
… callers to trained counsellors. They can help you put together a quit plan that's tailored for you, and they can … Quitting Smoking Quitting Smoking: Getting Support Quitting Smoking: Helping Someone Quit … callers to trained counsellors. They can help you put together a quit plan that's tailored for you, and they can …
Health topics
… commuting could be used as a transition to start your day. Get some fresh air, exercise, do some stretching, or … commuting could be used as a transition to start your day. Get some fresh air, exercise, do some stretching, or …