6337 results found
Medical tests
… can cause blood to clump in blood vessels under the skin when the skin is exposed to the cold. This causes pale … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for …
Health topics
… or genital area are usually caused by irritation of the skin from many sources, such as clothes rubbing against the … sexual contact or activity until you have been evaluated by your health professional. This will reduce the risk of spreading a possible infection to your partner. Your sex partner may also need to be evaluated …
Health topics
… in the breast or other factors, you may be able to have a skin-sparing or nipple-sparing mastectomy. Skin-sparing … be done later as a separate procedure. What to expect After your surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room. A nurse … area. If these tubes are still in place when you go home, your nurse will teach you how to take care of them. Your …
HealthLinkBC files
… a chickenpox infection. Sometimes there is no obvious skin wound or injury. What are the symptoms of the disease? … touch objects contaminated with them, and then touch your eyes or mucous membranes or put your hands in your mouth. The bacteria can also spread …
Health topics
… Overview Even if you are treating your heart failure successfully, you may develop a … some can be extremely serious conditions. You can discuss your complications with your doctor and learn to take the … Leg venous stasis and ulcers Venous stasis: Your skin thickens and looks shiny or scaly, your hair might also …
Health topics
… it a special time for talking, laughing and playing with your baby. On this page: General tips How to change a diaper … Rash General tips Here are some more tips for diapering your newborn: Wash your hands before and after each change … When diapering and cleaning a baby boy: Do not pull the foreskin back when cleaning the penis. Wash the area well and …
Health topics
… always easy, every year brings new joys and challenges. Your toddler is naturally curious and eager to explore - … about the world and how to express themselves. Encourage your toddler by providing a loving, secure and nurturing … memories Provide a sense of security Provide comfort If your toddler is sick, hurt, or lonely - reassure, rock or …
Health topics
… is water exercise done? Exercising in water can increase your flexibility and range of motion without putting stress on your joints and spine. Warm water also helps relax your muscles. You can walk and run in water, as well as jump …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Talk to your doctor about whether you or your family is at risk for lead poisoning. During a routine … pregnant or trying to become pregnant, you may want to ask your doctor about your risk for lead poisoning. A pregnant …
Health topics
… and training in performing daily activities. Depending on your needs, these could be: Personal care activities. Two … as well as overall strength and flexibility. Instruction in protecting your joints and conserving your energy. … as well as overall strength and flexibility. Instruction in protecting your joints and conserving your energy. …