Learn what to expect after your immunization and how to manage common side effects, and when to seek medical attention.
On this page, you will find information on vaccine side effects, how to treat them and when to seek medical attention.
Learn what to expect after your immunization and how to manage common side effects, and when to seek medical attention.
On this page, you will find information on vaccine side effects, how to treat them and when to seek medical attention.
Most side effects are mild and go away after 1-2 days. Some vaccines may cause side effects that appear a bit later (e.g., 1-2 weeks after vaccination). For vaccine-specific side effects, read the HealthLinkBC Files. Click on the vaccine name to view the HealthLinkBC File.
Here are some side effects you might have after some vaccines:
Other side effects for specific vaccines may include:
For pain and swelling where the vaccine was given:
For fever:
Normal range of temperature by body site:
Carefully read and follow all directions on the label. Do not take more than the recommended amount.
For infants and young children:
For school-age children and teens:
For adults:
Serious side effects after immunization are very rare. But if they do happen, it is important to act. Report any serious or unexpected side effects after immunization to your health care provider.
Find your immunization record at Health Gateway.