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Babies' social and emotional development

Last updated: September 19, 2024

By the age of nine to 12 months, your baby has developed a distinct personality and demonstrates emotions like sadness, happiness, anger, fear, hurt or discomfort. Here are some more of the social and emotional milestones you can expect.

Social and emotional milestones

Here is a list of milestones you may expect during the first six months:

First month:
  • Alert one out of every 10 hours
  • Enjoys eye contact
  • Smiles at faces
  • Recognizes parent's voices
  • Begins to trust caregiver
  • Cries if under or over stimulated
  • Persistent crying may start at about two to three weeks
Second month:
  • Responsive smiling
  • Communicates moods
  • Enjoys visual stimulation
  • Studies faces
  • Personality becomes more obvious
  • Cries for attention
  • Persistent crying usually peaks in the second month
Third month:
  • Makes eye contact
  • Smiles at faces and may laugh out loud
  • Knows difference between parents and strangers
  • Stops crying when you walk into the room
  • Persistent crying usually stops in months three or four
Fourth month:
  • Laughs hard when tickled
  • Greets caregiver
  • Starts social gestures
  • May move arms to signal “pick me up”
  • Enjoys social interaction
Fifth month:
  • Turns head toward speaker
  • Watches your mouth movements
  • Shows interest in colours
  • Pushes away disliked actions
Sixth month:
  • Mimics facial expressions
  • Exhibits moods with varied sounds and body movements
  • May be shy or afraid of strangers
  • Responds to own name
  • Raises arms to signal “pick me up”
  • Likes own reflection

From 6-9 months

Between six and nine months, you'll really start to notice your baby's social and emotional development. Your baby will express joy through laughter and seek your attention.

Here's what else you can expect:

  • Want to take part in activities with people
  • Point to things for a reason
  • Seek attention
  • Show strong feelings about likes and dislikes
  • Laugh
  • Not want to be away from you or other caregivers
  • Show fear (possibly by crying) if he is scared

Between six and nine months your baby may also:

  • Show fear of strangers
  • Begin mimicking, such as sticking out her tongue
  • Exert control. For example, your baby may show you a toy but won't give it to you
  • Learn to protect himself and his belongings
  • Refuse to do some things. For example, push a spoon away during feeding time
  • Focus when doing something, ignoring other things that are going on
  • Look worried about loud noises, such as vacuum cleaners, loud stern voices or banging
  • Show clear likes or dislikes for certain people, objects or places
  • Be sensitive to other children and perhaps cry if they cry
  • React to other people's moods. If you are sad, your baby may cry. If you are happy, your baby may laugh along with you

From 9-12 months

By the age of nine to 12 months, your baby has developed a distinct personality and demonstrates emotions like sadness, happiness, anger, fear, hurt or discomfort. Here are some more of the social and emotional milestones you can expect.

At this age, a typical baby:

  • Knows when a parent likes or dislikes certain behaviour
  • Holds out arms and legs while being dressed
  • Mimics simple actions
  • Imitates other children
  • Repeats sounds or movements that make you laugh
  • Seeks comfort when upset
  • Shows many emotions, such as being sad, happy, mad, scared, hurt, or uncomfortable
  • Shows distress when he does something wrong
  • Always needs to be within sight and hearing her caregiver
  • Displays affection in hugs, kisses, pats, and smiles

Your nine to 12 month old may also:

  • Show fear of strangers
  • Dance to music
  • Know routines
  • Try different ways of getting attention, such as copying sounds
  • Enjoy being the centre of attention
  • Cry when left with other caregivers
  • Show empathy, such as starting to cry when another child cries
  • Express a desire to do things independently
  • Express like or dislike of certain people and toys
  • Show discomfort when fearful or stressed
  • Express new fears and insecurity with situations that were previously OK

Play and activity

Be sure to spend lots of time with your baby. Talk soothingly, sing songs, and encourage play.

Here are some more tips for nurturing the social and emotional aspects of your baby's unique personality:

  • Have skin to skin contact with newborns
  • Always respond to crying within one or two minutes
  • Don't feel rejected if your baby turns away from you - young babies get tired easily
  • Plan daily quiet times with your baby
  • Don't jiggle crying babies - use slow, gentle motions
  • Don't over stimulate your baby
  • Copy your baby's movements and sounds
  • Rock and cuddle your baby
  • Play with baby's fingers and toes

From 6-9 months

You can help nurture your baby's social and emotional development by continuing to respond when your baby wants help or attention sticking to regular routines.

You can also:

  • Respond to her calls or signals for help and attention to build her trust
  • Model good manners: use “please” and “thank you.”
  • Create and follow regular routines. Talk about what happens next in routines or upcoming events
  • Offer choices you are comfortable with. For example, “Do you want this cup or that cup?”
  • Provide safe places for her to explore
  • Continue to breastfeed
  • Make lots of eye contact and smile at her
  • Hold and comfort your baby, especially when he is upset, sick or hurt

From 9-12 months

Now that your baby is older, you can do even more to nurture social and emotional development through activity and play.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Respond to your baby's calls or signals for help and attention to build trust
  • Create and follow regular routines
  • Offer choices you're comfortable with. For example, "Do you want this cup or that cup?"
  • Model good manners: use "please" and "thank you."
  • Talk about what happens next in routines or upcoming events
  • Provide safe places for your baby to explore
  • Continue to breastfeed
  • Make lots of eye contact and smile at her
  • Cuddle your baby
  • Comfort your baby, especially when he is upset, sick, or hurt
  • Create routines and structure in your baby's day
  • Turn everyday routines into playful moments
  • Talk about your baby's emotions: "I see you are feeling sad/happy/frustrated."
  • Ask your baby for hugs and kisses
  • Provide your baby with chances to play with other children and to be around people

Social and emotional play and activity

For more suggestions, see Leap BC's guide Move with Me from Birth to Three. This trusted guide contains 40 fun filled activities to support your child's development from birth to age three.

HealthLink BC: Emotional and Social Development, Ages 1 to 12 Months.