Being active

Being active

Last updated


Being physically active on a regular basis is one of the most important actions that people of all ages and abilities can take to improve their health and well-being. Some of the benefits include improved physical fitness, decreased risk of chronic conditions (for example, heart disease and several cancers) and improved sleep. What’s more, benefits can start building up with small amounts of, and immediately after doing, physical activity. Keep reading to learn steps you can take to improve your activity and health.

Getting started

Deciding to be more physically active is just that: a decision. It’s your decision whether you are ready to be more active and how you will get started. Learn how to add more physical activity into your life, how to choose appropriate clothing and equipment and tips for being active in cooler and warmer temperatures.

Overcoming barriers

A barrier is something that prevents or hinders action. There are many barriers that can get in the way of becoming more physically active. Learn about common barriers and tips for overcoming them.

Choosing your activity

The best physical activities for you are the ones you enjoy and therefore, will continue to do. This doesn’t mean you should shy away from activities you’ve never done before, you may end up liking these more. Learn about factors to consider when choosing activities and certain activities, such as yoga.

Staying active

It is generally understood that regular physical activity is good for us, yet about half of people who start a physical activity routine stop within a few months. There are many reasons why people stop or break their routine. Learn about these and tips for staying active and restarting activity after a break.

For even more resources on taking steps toward changing your level of physical activity, visit Helping you make it happen.